
By Clare F. McCann

December 8, 2022

zoom photo of uo dsn lab lab meeting fall 2022 social with sand lab at ucladsn lab research assistants zoom meeting dbic lab winter term social 2022
nikmabcd co-creators presenting at neurohackademy eiffel tower with uo dsn labmates flux dinner with uo dsn lab

current mentors + collaborators

Dr. Jennifer A. Silvers & the SAND lab - University of California, Los Angeles

Ph.D. advisor at the University of California, Los Angeles
—> expert in emotion regulation and regulates my emotions throughout grad school

Read more about her work here. Do it; she’s amazing.

Dr. Kate L. Mills & the DBIC lab - University of Oregon

Undergraduate + Beyond Mentor
—> taught me everything I know about structural neuroimaging

Click here to learn more about her. If you ever get a chance to work with her, jump at it.

Dr. Jennifer H. Pfeifer & the DSN lab - University of Oregon

Previous Supervisor & Forever Mentor
—> gave me my “aha” research moment by introducing me to the complexities of pubertal processes

Read all about her amazing work here.

Dr. Birdie Shirtcliff - University of Oregon

Collaborator —> assisted in developing the pubertal perception measure (coming soon!)

Get to know her and her inspiring work with puberty here.

Dr. Michelle Byrne - Monash University

—> advises on my work centering gender inclusivity + puberty research

Highly recommend checking her work out.

Dr. Theresa W. Cheng - Harvard University

Undergraduate Research Mentor + Collaborator
—> the reason i love coding and learning new things re: research methods

You need to look at what she does

Dr. Marjolein Barendse - the University of California, Davis

—> introduced me to fMRI, and is my go-to for all pubertal hormone questions

Read more about her wonderful work here.

Members of the NowIKnowMyABCD team

Co-creators of NowIKnowMyABCD website
—> Sana Ali - PhD Student at UCSD
—> Lucy Whitmore - PhD Student at UO
—> Monica Thieu - PostDoc at Emory U

present + past mentees


Giana Clarot- Undergraduate at UCLA

work together on “Pathways in Adolescence” work together on conducting high school focus groups


Kathleen Rae Deguzman - Undergraduate at UCLA

mentored her on her honor’s thesis

Maya O'Kelly - Undergraduate at UCLA

work together on “Pathways in Adolescence”

Kayalin Abendroth-Jones, B.S. - University of Oregon

Mentored on her undergraduate honors thesis
—> contributed conceptual design, code, and stats