By Clare F. McCann
December 8, 2022
current mentors + collaborators
Dr. Jennifer A. Silvers & the SAND lab - University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. advisor at the University of California, Los Angeles —> expert in emotion regulation and regulates my emotions throughout grad school
Read more about her work here. Do it; she’s amazing.
Dr. Kate L. Mills & the DBIC lab - University of Oregon
Undergraduate + Beyond Mentor —> taught me everything I know about structural neuroimaging
Click here to learn more about her. If you ever get a chance to work with her, jump at it.
Dr. Jennifer H. Pfeifer & the DSN lab - University of Oregon
Previous Supervisor & Forever Mentor —> gave me my “aha” research moment by introducing me to the complexities of pubertal processes
Read all about her amazing work here.
Dr. Birdie Shirtcliff - University of Oregon
Collaborator —> assisted in developing the pubertal perception measure (coming soon!)
Get to know her and her inspiring work with puberty here.
Dr. Michelle Byrne - Monash University
Collaborator —> advises on my work centering gender inclusivity + puberty research
Highly recommend checking her work out.
Dr. Theresa W. Cheng - Harvard University
Undergraduate Research Mentor + Collaborator —> the reason i love coding and learning new things re: research methods
You need to look at what she does
Dr. Marjolein Barendse - the University of California, Davis
Collaborator —> introduced me to fMRI, and is my go-to for all pubertal hormone questions
Read more about her wonderful work here.
Members of the NowIKnowMyABCD team
Co-creators of NowIKnowMyABCD website —> Sana Ali - PhD Student at UCSD —> Lucy Whitmore - PhD Student at UO —> Monica Thieu - PostDoc at Emory U
present + past mentees
Giana Clarot- Undergraduate at UCLA
work together on “Pathways in Adolescence” work together on conducting high school focus groups
Kathleen Rae Deguzman - Undergraduate at UCLA
mentored her on her honor’s thesis
Maya O'Kelly - Undergraduate at UCLA
work together on “Pathways in Adolescence”
Kayalin Abendroth-Jones, B.S. - University of Oregon
Mentored on her undergraduate honors thesis —> contributed conceptual design, code, and stats